Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

Jembatan Unik dan Menakjubkan

Jembatan Banpo (Korea Selatan) : Jembatan Air Mancur
Tanggal 9 September 2008, Jembatan Banpo di Seoul (Korea Selatan) menjalani operasi facelift besar-besaran: sebuah air mancur 10.000 selang yang membentang di kedua pinggirnya. Setelah dipasang, jembatan ini berubah menjadi atraksi turis besar, ketika jembatan ini menembakkan 190 ton air per menit menggunakan air sungai di bawahnya, dan yang bikin lebih menariknya lagi air mancur selang tersebut mengeluarkan warna-warna dengan menggunakan lampu di dalamnya.

Jembatan Millau (Perancis): Jembatan Tertinggi di Dunia

Ini dia jembatan tertinggi dan terindah yang ada di dunia abad ini.Jembatan ini Setinggi 1.125 kaki di atas Lembah Tarn di selatan Perancis, mengarungi Jembatan Millau bisa dikatakan seperti terbang. Si perancang jembatan ini Michel Virlogeux dan Norman Foster, sedikit lebih tinggi dari Menara Eiffel, memakan tiga tahun untuk pembangunan dan dibuka pada umum tahun 2004. Pada tahun 2006 jembatan ini memenangkan IABSE Outstanding Structure Awards, Jembatan ini juga dimasukkan dalam salah satu scene di film Mr. Bean's Holiday. Jembatan Millau memiliki panjang total 8.071 kaki dengan rentangan tunggal terpanjang 1.122 kaki dan kejelasan maksimum di bawah adalah 886 kaki; jadi jembatan ini sangat indah walau dilihat dari manapun. Dek jembatan ditopang oleh 7 pilon dan berbobot 36.000 ton. 7 menara, masing-masing setinggi 292 kaki dan berbobot 700 ton, dipasang ke pilon penopang. Dan inilah jembatan tertinggi di dunia.

Jembatan terpanjang di dunia akhirnya telah selesai – menghabiskan waktu empat tahun. Ini menghubungkan kota Qingdao di Provinsi Shandong Cina timur dengan kabupaten Huangdao dan panjangnya 26,4 mil - 174 kali panjang London Tower Bridge diatas sungai Thames. Dua tim terpisah telah membangun ujung yang berbeda dari Qingdao Haiwan Bridgesejak tahun 2006. Struktur 5.5billion £ akhirnya selesai pada hari Senin saat para insinyur menggabungkan 2 bagian menjadi satu berakhir. Jembatan ini menghubungkan tiga kota pesisir di provinsi Shandong. Salah satu insinyur mengatakan setelah penyelesaian jembatan itu: "Model Komputer dan semua perhitungan sangat baik tetapi Anda tidak bisa benar-benar bersantai sampai kedua belah bagian sudah dibaut."Bahkan beberapa sentimeter keluar dari perhitungan akan menjadi bencana besar."Pemegang rekor sebelumnya jembatan terpanjang di dunia adalah Danau Pontchartrain Causeway di selatan Louisiana di AS. Ini fitur dua jembatan berjalan berdampingan dan 23,87 mil (38.42km) panjangnya.

Jembatan Oliveira (Brazil): Jembatan kabel berbentuk X pertama di dunia
jembatan Octavio Frias de Oliveira yang melintasi Sungai Pinheiros di São Paulo, Brazil dibuka bulan Mei 2008. Setinggi 138 meter (450 kaki), dan menghubungkan Marginal Pinheiros dengan Jornalista Roberto Marinho Avenue. Desainnya unik dengan 2 dek melengkung melintas satu sama lain melalui 
menara penopang berbentuk X.

Rolling Bridge (Britania Raya): Jembatan yang dapat menggulung sendiri
Dirancang oleh Heatherwick Studio, Rolling Bridge pemenang penghargaan ini terletak di Paddington Basin, London. Daripada menggunakan mekanisme jembatan terbuka konvensional, yang terdiri dari elemen rigid tunggal yang naik untuk membolehkan kapal lewat, Rolling Bridge menggulung diri hingga dua ujungnya bertemu. Ketika dalam posisi horizontal, jembatan ini merupakan jembatan pejalan kaki besi dan kayu normal; terbuka penuh, jembatan ini membentuk lingkaran di satu sisi yang berbeda dari posisi lurusnya.
Dua belas meter panjangnya, jembatan ini dibuat oleh delapan bagian besi dan kayu, dan dibuat melengkung oleh tenaga hidrolik yang dipasang di handrail setiap bagian.

ateshead Millennium Bridge (Inggris)
Jembatan Gateshead Millenium adalah sebuah jembatan yang khusus diperuntukkan bagi pejalan kaki dan pengendara sepeda yang berbentuk miring, melintasi Sungai Tyne di Gateshead - Newcastle upon Tyne - Inggris.dan membentang antara Gateshead 's Quays Arts Quarter di tepi selatan, dan dermaga  Newcastle upon Tyne di tepi sebelah utara. Struktur jembatan ini digagas dan dirancang oleh arsitek Wilkinson Eyre dan bekerja sama dengan Perusahaan Konstruksi & bangunan "Gifford". Jembatan ini terkadang juga disebut sebagai "Blinking Eye Bridge" atau "Winking Eye Bridge". karena bentuk dan metode kemiringannya tersebut hampir menyerupai mata yang sedang berkedip. Jembatan ini menggunakan sistem buka-tutup. dan bisa di buka-tutup hanya dalam waktu 4 menit, sehingga memungkinkan pejalan kaki melewati nya dan kapal pun bisa lewat di bawahnya. Pembangunan jembatan ini menghabiskan dana sekitar £22 Juta.

Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

Kelangsungan Hidup Makhluk Hidup melalui Adaptasi, Seleksi Alam, dan Perkembangbiakan


Kelangsungan hidup makhluk hidup melalui:
·         Adaptasi
·         Seleksi alam
·         Perkembangbiakan
Dibagi :
·         Fisiologi            berdasarkan = fungsi organ tubuh
·         Tingkah laku
·         Morfologi         berdasarkan = bentuk organ tubuh

Pengertian Kelangsungan Hidup   
      Pastinya, setiap makhluk hidup telah dibekali oleh Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa dengan kemampuan untuk mempertahankan hidupnya dan menjaga keturunannya supaya tetap lestari.Telah menjadi hukum bahwa makhluk yang lemah akan dimangsa oleh makhluk yang lebih kuat, atau yang kita kenal dengan hukum rimba.

     Adaptasi  adalah kemampuan makhluk hidup untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan hidupnya. Dari pengertian adaptasi tersebut, ada tiga macam bentuk adaptasi, yaitu:
·         Adaptasi fisiologi
·         Adaptasi tingkah laku, dan
·         Adaptasi morfolgi

Jenis Jenis Adaptasi
Bison dapat mencerna makanan dalam lambung
·         Adaptasi fisiologi
Adaptasi fisiologi adalah penyesuaian diri makhluk hidup melalui fungsi kerja organ – organ tubuh supaya bisa bertahan hidup. Misalnya, tingginya kadar garam menyebabkan ikan kekurangan air sehingga ikan harus banyak minum. Hewan – hewan herbivor beradaptasi terhadap makanan secara fisiologis. Rayap dan Teredo Navalis yang hidup di kayu galangan kapal dapat mencerna kayu dengan bantuan enzim selulose.
·         Adaptasi tingkah laku
Adaptasi tingkah laku adalah penyesuaian diri terhadap lingkungan dengan mengubah tingkah laku supaya dapat mempertahankan kelangsungan hidupnya. Seperti gambar di bawah ini
Paus naik ke permukaan air untuk bernapas.
·         Adaptasi Morfologi
Adaptasi ini sangat mudah dikenali dan mudah dikenali dan mudah diamati karena tampak dari luar....seperti tumbuhan yang hidup di air disebut hidrofit. Ada hidrofit, berarti juga ada xerofit dan higrofit. Xerofit tumbuhan yang hidup di lingkungan kering. Sedangkan Higrofit tumbuhan yang hidup di lingkungan lembab.

Seleksi Alam
     Seleksi alam adalah pemilihan makhluk hidup yang dapat hidup terus dan tidak dapat hidup terus yang dilakukan oleh lingkungan sekitar dan terjadi secara alamiah.
Faktor Penyeleksi Alam
a. Suhu lingkungan
Di daerah dingin dijumpai hewan – hewan mamalia yang berbulu terbal, sedangkan di daerah tropis hewan mamalianya berbulu tipis. Seperti Beruang Kutub .
b. Makanan
Makanan akan menjadi faktor penyeleksi jika terjadi perebutan makanan.
c. Cahaya Matahari
Faktor matahari berhubungan dengan peneyeleksian tumbuhan tingkat tinggi yang berklorofil.

Cara Perkembangbiakan Makhluk Hidup
Perkembangbiakan Vegetatif
Perkembangbiakan ini disebut perkembangbiakan aseksual. Ada dua macam perkembangbiakan vegetatif yaitu vegetatif alami dan vegetatif buatan.
Vegetatif Alami
§        Tunas, adalah tumbuhan muda yang baru tumbuhan di ujung batang atau ketiak daun. Ada dua macam tunas yaitu tunas adventif dan tunas biasa
§        Umbi, adalah tempat untuk menyimpan makanan. Umbi juga dapat digunakan sebagai alat perkembangbiakan. Seperti gambar ini !
      Bawang mempunyai umbi untuk alat perkembangbiakan dan tempat cadangan makanan.
§        Rhizoma, adalah batang yang menjalar di bawah permukaan tanah.
§        Stolom, adalah batang yang menjalar di atas permukaan tanah.
Vegetatif Buatan
                Perkembangbiakan dengan cara vegetatif buatan sering dilaksanakan untuk pembudidayaan tanaman.
 Perkembangbiakan Secara Generatif
Perkembangbiakan generatif disebut juga dengan perkembangbiakan seksual, karena melibatkan sel  - sel kelamin. Perkembangbiakan pada tumbuhan didahului dengan peristiwa penyerbukan, kemudian diiringi peristiwa pembuahan. Penyerbukan adalah peristiwa sampainya serbuk sari ketujuannya dibantu oleh angin, burung, serangga, kelelawar, air, dan manusia. Sedangkan pembuahan adalah peleburan antara sel sperma dan sel telur yang akan menghasilkan zigot dan berkembang menjadi individu baru yang memiliki sifat bervariasi di antara kedua induknya. Dan makhluk hidup dapat berkembang biak secara vegetatif dan generatif. Seperti gambar ini.
Penyerbukan dibantu oleh serangga.

Jumat, 04 November 2011

Soal dan Text GENRE - English

Ini kumpulan soal text buat latihan kalian persiapan Ujian Akhir Nasional


Parts of the text:
A report text tells what a group of things is like. Report are written about living things, such as plants and animals, and non living things, such as tools, books, building and so on. The structure of a report is:
 General classification : tells what is discussed
 Description : describing parts, qualities, habits of behaviour
Language features
 Usually, a report use Simple Present Tense unless the object that is reported has been exticnt
 Relational verbs are commonly used in a report e.g.to be , have, appear, seem


Venus Fly Trap              
The Venus Fly Trap is probably the best known carnivorous plant. Having an alien like appearance, this fascinating plant has captured the imagination of many people. In fact, many movies and cartoon’s have been made about this famous plant.
To attract insects, the Venus fly trap produces sweet-smelling nectar. Each trap is farmed by a leaf which has two lobes. There are trigger hairs on each lobe. When a fly lands on the leaf and disturbs the trigger hairs, the trap snaps shut! The stiff lobes, together with the spines on their edges, help to crush the insect’s body while digestive juices dissolve it. After consuming three or four yummy victims, the trap usually withers.

1.How does Venus fly trap attract the insects?
   a. by producing sweet-smelling nectar
   b. by having an alien-like appearance
   c. by triggering their lobes                           
   d. by snapping their lobes

2. What happens to the traps after having some preys
                a. they will start to die
    b. they will live longer
    c. they will get better                       
    d. they will become bigger

3. How does a trap work?
    a. when an insect disturbs the trigger hairs, the trap snap shut. Then, the stiff lobes go to the   edge and crush the insect’s body and swallow it
    b. when an insect disturbs the trigger hairs, the trap snaps shut. Then, the stiff lobes crush the insect’s body and the digestive juice dissolve it.
    c. the trigger hairs make the trap shut. Then, they attract the insects a round the lobes. The insects will go inside the lobes.
    d. the insects attracted by the lobes go inside the lobes. Then, the trigger hairs close the lobes.                         

4. ”….this fascinating plant has captured the imagination….”(paragraph1) the phrase “this fascinating plant” refers to
a. alien                                                 c. a carnivorous plant                         
b an alien-like appearance                  d. Venus fly trap    

Parts of the text
The previous text retells events to inform a short history of newspaper. It is a historical recount. Some examples of historical recounts are an account of technological innovation or scientific discovery, expedition, lives in the past and so on.
As other kind recounts, it has three main parts: orientation, event(s) and re-orientation.
Orientation        : It shows the setting and the participants.
Event(s)            : It/They tell(s) what happened(one after the others).
Re-orientation   : It closes the event(s)

Language features
Ø  A historical recount uses past tense, e.g. Printing machines were invented in 1450.
Ø  A historical recount includes the time or place setting. e.g. Before that, news was spread verbally or in written.

       PINANG CLIMBING        
On August 17th 2008, there was a special event in my hometown. The mayor held a big competition of Pinang Climbing (panjat pinang). This competition was held to celebrate the indenpendence Day. Early in the morning, many people had gathered in the town square. In the middle of the field, there were exactly one hundred ‘poles’. Various prizes, such as T-shirt, a radio,pans, and bicycles were hung on the top of each pole.
 At 10 o’clock, the competition started. Unlike the usual ‘panjat pinang’ competition in which the competitors work individually, this time the competitors worked in teams. There we 10 teams in this event. They would compete to get the prizes as many as they could.
The crowd enjoyed watching the teams struggled to reach the top. They yelled and gave applauses every time a successful team grabbed the prizes and dropped them down. It was not and easy job to do because the poles were so slippery. Each pole had been covered with grease. However, all teams had good strategies. Consequently, at about 12 a.m. nearly all the prizes had gone. It was an exciting experience. I, myself, cheered so loudly to my favorite team that i nearly lost my voice.
1. Why was the “panjat pinang” competition held?
    A. To celebrate the indonesian indenpendence Day.
    B. To train the teams for the next competition.
    C. To celebrate the election of the mayor.                                              
    D. To entertain the people of the city.

2. How many teams were there in the competition?
    A. Seven                           C. Nine
    B. Eight                             D. Ten                                      

3. Why were the poles so slippery? Because....
    A. there was some grease on them
    B. there was some sweat on the poles
    C. the poles were covered by moss                                   
    D. the committee put some cooking oil on them
Parts of the text
The purpose of a narrative is to amuse and entertain the reader. A narrative can be divided into some parts:
·         Orientation: sets the scene and introduces the participants
·         Evaluation: a stepping back to evaluate the situation
·         Complication: a crisis arises
·         Resolution: the crisis is resolved, for better or for worse
·         Re-orientation: optional
      Language features
V   1
.A narrative text usually uses past tense, e.g. He felt sad because everybody in the village                    laughed at him.

2.       2.The verbs uses in a narrative are behavioural processes: do, make, sing, sit, sleep Verbal processes: say, remark, insist, ask
A   GENEROUS CHILD                                             
Long, long time ago there lived two brothers. They had completely different characters. The big brother was very stingy and greedy. He never shared his wealth with poor people. The little brother was exactly the opposite. He was generous and kind to poor people. He even had no money left because he had shared it with the poor.
One day the generous brother was sitting in his garden when suddenly a little bird fell on his lap. It was wounded. He took care of it, fed it, and put it in a nice cage. After the bird was healthy, the generous brother let it fly. After some time the bird returned to him and gave him a watermelon seed.
The generous brother, then, planted the seed and watered it until it grew into a good watermelon plant. Yet, the plant was very strange. It had only one fruit; a big and heavy one. When the watermelon was ripe enough, the generous brother picked it and cut it into two. How surprised he was. The watermelon was full of gold.
The generous brother sold the gold and became very rich. He built a big house and bought very large field. Still he never forgot to share the wealth with the poor.
1. What does the text mainly talk about?
a. The poor people and the healthy bird
b. The stingy and the generous
c. The kind and the generous
d. The stingy and the greedy
2. What does the main idea of the last paragraph?
a. The young brother became poor
b. The big brother built a big house
c. The young brother became very rich
d. The young brother planted the watermelon

3. How did the generous brother get the watermelon seed?
a. Finding it in the field
b. Curing a wounded bird
c. Planting the watermelon
d. Asking for the seed to his brother
4. “He even had no money left because he had shared it with the poor”. (par 1)
What does the underlined means?
a. Lent
b. Used
c. Gave
d. Returned


Parts of the text
The previous text informs and directs someone on how to do something, or how to achieve a goal. It is a procedural text. It usually has three main parts: goal, list of materials (now always needed) and a series of steps.
Goal         : It is something to achieve.
Materials : Things needed to achieve the goal.
Step         : Activities to achieve the goal.
Action in order
First of all,….                         Next,….                         Finally,….
Then,….                                After that,….

Sunrise Salad                                                                                            
- Some strawberries
- Some grapes
- A banana
- A cup of yogurt
- Some mint leaves
- A knife
- A small bowl
1. Wash the fruit and let them dry on paper towels
2. Cut the strawberries and grapes in half on two slices
3. Slice the banana into chunks
4. Combine all the fruit in the large bowl and mix them
5. Take three spoonfuls of mixed fruit and put them in a small bowl
6. Add a bit of yoghurt on top of the fruit salad
7. Place a small bundle of mint leaves on the yogurt as a garnish
8. Sunrise salad is ready to serve
1. What is a small bowl for?
a. To put the combination of all fruit.
b. To place three spoonful of mixed fruit
c. To add some mixed fruit
d. To mix all the fruit
2. What should we do after we cut all the fruit?
a. Add a bit of yoghurt in it
                              c. Garnish it with mint leaves                              
b. Combine them in a large bowl
                    d. Serve it immediately                                              
3. “Slice the banana into chunks” (step 3)
The underlined word means ….
a. Small pieces                      c. Thick pieces
b. Large amount                    d. Thin pieces

  • Personal letter                         Anouncement
  • Notice                                     Invitation cards
  • Greeting cards                         Email 
  • Advertisement                         
1.Personal letter

                                                                                                                        15 Sudirman Street
Dear Sella,                                                                                                                         Madiun
                                                                                                                                June 6 th, 2008
Next holiday, I am going to visit my grandparents in Yogyakarta. It will be my first visit, so is it possible for you to fetch me to my grandparents’ house? It is at JL. Senopati 20 in Yogyakarta.
Sella, I have heard a lot about Parangtritis Beach, but I do not know how to get there. Could you late make me there, please? I really want to go there.
Please reply soon.

1. Where does Betty live?
   A. Madiun                              C. Yogyakarta                           
   B. Magelang                          D. Parangtritis Beach
2. Why did Betty send the letter to Sella? Because...
    A. she missed Sella                           C. she wanted to tell Sella about her holiday’s plan
    B. she wanted to meet Sella               D. she wanted to visit her grandparents in Yogyakarta
3.”.... is it possible for you to fecth....” The word “you” refers to....
    A. Sella                                 C.Readers
    B. Betty                                D. Granparents              



1. Where would you find this notice?
    A. In a bus station                            C. At a market          
    B. In a classroom                              D. At a park

 3.Greeting cards
                                                                                                    Your best friend,

1. Who was the card sent to?
    A. Hanifah                                        C. An Olympiad          
    B. Hanidah’s friend                            D. The Science Olimpiad                                                        2. Why did the writer send the card?
    A. To encourage her friend
    B. To make her friend happy
    C. To congratulate her friend         
    D. To join the Science Olympiad

The wall Magazine Team proudly presents a Workshop on Journalism.
The workshop will cover:
·         The basic, history, and principles of jounalism
·         The basic knowledge of magazine
·         How to write a report
·         How yo conduct an interview

The workshop will be conducted on july 13 th
Register yourself to:
Diana or Anggi

Wall Magazine team of SMP 39
1.Who is the workshop intended to?
   A. Students who are interested in jounalims
   B. The Wall Magazine team                                 
   C. The school journalists
   D. Diana and Anggi
2.How many students can join the workshop?
   A. All students of SMP 39                C. 75 students         
   B. 100 students                                D. 50 students
3.What issues will NOT be discussed in the workshop?
   A. The history and principles of jounalism
   B. The tips of conducting an interview
   C. The way to subcribe a magazine                     
   D. The way of writing a report


Dear students,
Due to the storm, our plan for camping which would be held on Sunday at 8 p.m.will be postponed. Please wait for further information.

1.Which is TRUE according to the text?
   A. The camping is bad                                 C. The camping will be done soon
   B. The camping is delayed                          D. The camping will be stopped forever
2.Why did the principak write the announcement?
   A. To forbid the students to go camping
   B. To persuade the students to postpone the camping
   C. To give information that the camping is postponed                    
   D. To ask students to prepare everything for their camping
 6.Invitation cards

Dear Rina,

Please come and join my dancing party. It will be on Sunday, August 24 th,2008, at the hall of Santika Hotel. Don’t forget to bring your close friend to the party.
See u there.



1. Who invites Rina to attend the dancing party?
    A. Anita                   C. Santika Hotel
    B. Rina                    D. Anita’s friend                      
2. Where will the dancing party be held? At...
    A. Anita’s friends                 C. Rina’s friends
    B. Rina’s home                   D. Santika Hotel 

To  : erika@yahoo.co.id       
From: angel@yahoo.com
Dear Erika,
Next May 27 is Azuchi's birthday. My husband and I are planning to celebrate it with a small party with kids in an orphanage. We want to share happiness and care with others who need it the most. The orphanage we plan to visit is Mekar Sari Orphanage which is located in Serpong, Tangerang, Banten.
 Besides celebrating Azuchi's birthday, we also plan to give donation to the orphanage. We are going to give clothes, toys, rice, cooking oil, child/baby milk. I think you may like to give donation too. So please contact me soon if you have decided to do so.                                    Love
1. Who needs the happiness and care most according to Angel?
    A.Erika                    C.Orphans                              
    B.Azuchi                  D.Angel’s friend
2. What does Angel ask Erika to do?
    A. Celebrate her son’s birthday
    B. Join giving donation to the orphanage
    C. Plan a birthday party for Azuchi                                    
    D. Visit Mekar Sari Orphanage






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